Automated Soldering, Iron Tip Machines Apollo Seiko Automated Soldering, Iron Tip Machines Apollo Seiko


The SR-LYRA II is our latest soldering unit that combines the LYRA II and a highly-reliable SCARA-robot. It is high-speed, axially moving and ideal for in-line applications (designed for full automation.) The light weight robot and compact controller make the production line design much easier. The virtual web-based teaching pendant can be run on any operating system that can open a web browser.

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Consumables Apollo Seiko Consumables Apollo Seiko

Wire Feeding Tubes

The flexible double layer solder feed tubes are designed for our various automated and manual soldering solutions and feeders.  They provide for smooth and precise feeding of solder wire.

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Peripheral Machines Apollo Seiko Peripheral Machines Apollo Seiko

JC-3 Series Cartesian Robot

The multi-functional Cartesian robot comes complete with an easy-to-use dedicated controller and robot unit with a rich selection of stroke lengths for each axis, plus convenient installation settings and easy program teaching via the interactive teaching pendant.

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